Sunday, September 26, 2010

Robotic Nuisance

My inbox is bulging with offers for robo call service.
Now hear this!
I do not like to receive robo calls -- they are annoying. Therefore, I here proclaim that I will not send out robo calls.
That is a campaign promise.
If you appreciate this promise, please read the direct mail postcards that will be coming your way. I am working on some nice ones now. Watch the mailbox come October.

Another campaign strategy decision: I may be handing out rulers with the Halloween treats this October 30th.
I had 2500 rulers printed with the date of the election and advice to vote for me. They went with the tag line that is found at the bottom of each page of my campaign website: "Measure twice; cut once!" I am hoping that people will look carefully at their options before they vote. Besides, if the rulers are useful around the house, the reminder printed on them will survive longer than the fliers that I leave at each door.
The rulers are not disappearing as fast as I thought they would though. So there may be quite a few left come Halloween.