Wednesday, October 20, 2010

A break in the count

A friend asked me yesterday if I knew how many doors I had knocked on or how many voters I had talked to about my campaign. At first I said I had no idea but then I realized that I had been tracking my canvassing on computer.

I went over the numbers last night and came up with this: I have currently knocked on 895 doors but since this doesn't include those whom I contacted for the ethics petition, the number is probably well over 1000 now. The number of individuals I have spoken to in person about my campaign is about 586. This includes telephone contacts but excludes those whom I contacted for the petition. If I include those for whom I left a telephone message, the number goes up to 605.

The downside to this person to person contacting is that I have picked up a cold virus along the way. Last night I went to bed with a scratchy throat and during the night I developed sinus congestion.

I'll stick to telephone contacting today and hope this cold is short-lived. There is much to do in the next 13 days!

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