Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Happy New Year!

Holidays are wonderful ways to end a year. It is like having dessert at the end of a meal. It leaves a good taste in your mouth. At least, that is the way it has been for me.

My almost-empty nest was filled (and then some) with children who brought their children. Coming from the East Coast, the Midwest, and the Pacific Northwest, they converged. The grandchildren played with each other, with only occasional klonks with their toys; the grown children laughed and teased each other; and even the in-laws chatted comfortably. Conversation topics ranged from potty training to college selection to hospice care -- and, of course, memories of Christmases past.

We are blessed with comfortable shelter, sufficient food, caring friends, loving family, and faith that God is watching over all.

What could be better than this?

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