Thursday, February 19, 2009

Legislator v. the PTA

Senate Bill 199 is an example of vendetta legislation that has long range implications. It would make it illegal for schools to work with volunteer parent groups that require members to pay dues.

Many parent organizations charge membership dues but recognize that most of the activities at their individual schools are paid for by other fundraising efforts. PTA would literally be pushed out of the state since its state and national bylaws require membership dues. The dues that come from PTA members are what makes it possible for PTA to be a lobbying organization, advocating for children, families, and schools.

PTA was in the forefront of the push to get School Trustlands to produce an sizable and growing income in the state of Utah and legislators have been anxious to get their hands on funds being generated by the Trustlands ever since. PTA has been vigilant in protecting public schools' interests with Trustlands funds. This has been possible with their lobbying efforts.

Senator Curt Bramble is the bill sponsor and his political opponent in the past election is active in the PTA. He and PTA have been at loggerheads on a number of occasions, most recently in the voucher fight.

Senator Bramble would certainly be pleased to see the lobbying ability of PTA wiped out. This bill has the potential to do it.


Tod Robbins said...

Curtis Bramble. Why am I not surprised. PTA is an essential arm of preserving children's education rights. What is the likelihood of this passing?

Deon Turley said...

This bill was substituted with a less egregious one. While PTA would have been able to live with it, it was certainly beyond the scope of what legislation should be messing with. Enough legislators agreed and the bill was defeated.
I am grateful to the hundreds of interested parents who asked their legislators to vote against the bill.